
  • useInjector - Access to DI inside decorators by class constructor

import { Component, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { useInjector } from '@angular-ru/cdk/ivy';

import { UserService } from './test.service.ts';

function Username(): PropertyDecorator {
    return <T extends typeof Object.prototype>(prototypeRef: T, propertyKey: string | symbol): void => {
        useInjector(prototypeRef.constructor, (injector: Injector, instance: any): void => {
            const userService: UserService = injector.get(UserService);
            instance[propertyKey] = userService.username;

    selector: 'test-component',
    template: ''
class TestComponent {
    public username!: string; // username will appear here after the constructor has completed

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